Friday 31 July 2009

content was, up to this point at least, my favourite colour

Sure, I may be late on this one - what's new guys, seriously - but if you're wanting to hear a new album in its entirety, for FREE, in a way that doesn't make you feel douchebaggy AT ALL, go to The Most Serene Republic's Myspace to check out the entirity of their new LP ...And the Ever Expanding Universe (don't forget to take it off shuffle). Despite the guff title, I'm enjoying it so far. Here's an extra preview for y'all just in case of what seems the most accessible track:

The Most Serene Republic - Heavens to Purgatory

"Phi" is a bit of a jam, check it out. It may be lazy journalism to say that if you like Broken Social Scene and all that, you'll dig Serene Republic (they're both Canadian), but let's face it. You will.

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